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God Is For Me

演奏版詩歌 / JPCC Worship

God Is For Me神與我同在 作詞/作曲: Andre Hermanto, Gianni Messah, Ribka Yusuf Lucman - Your love is stronger than Is stronger than my fear Your grace is greater than Is greater than my sin Oh trampled death Where is your sting? Here I declare my victory Even when the mountains tremble Even when the storms come my way Even in the darkest night You’ll never let me go Jesus You’re my rock and anchor You’re the one who fights my battles Even in the darkest night You’ll never let me go Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah I’m not afraid God is for me 祢的愛勝過一切, 勝過我內心的懼怕; 祢的恩典無比豐盛, 遠超過我的過犯。 哦,戰勝的死亡, 你的毒鉤在哪裡? 在這裡,我宣告得勝! 即使高山顫抖, 即使風暴臨到, 即使黑夜籠罩, 祢仍緊握我的手。 耶穌,祢是我磐石、我盼望, 祢為我爭戰到底, 即使黑夜籠罩, 祢仍緊握我的手。 哈利路亞,哈利路亞,哈利路亞, 我不再懼怕, 因為神與我同在! - 演奏者 JPCC Worship

影片上架日期: 2022年12月1日